Sunday, May 2, 2010

Curfew application and summer plans

We are applying chemicals on the Greens, Tees and Greens slops to control Nematodes and mole crickets. This will also help turf grow back in the thin areas of the greens. You will see a significant change after this treatment.
My plan is to get all of the thin areas of the greens on a long-range cultural program. We will be putting controls in place so the putting surface will not be effected this way again. Irrigation, fertilization and aerification will be handled differently through out this summer season.
The shaded areas on the left #12 Fairway are doing much better than I planned. We apologize for all of the rope but we are moving towards the right direction for better turf conditions. However there will be some of the areas that will continue to give us problems. In these areas we will be planting some natural grasses and sodding the rest. On the Right side of the fairway we plan to plant more aerification plugs in the roughs. I will keep everyone up to date on our plans as time permits.


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